What is Smalltalk?
Smalltalk is an object-oriented, dynamic, and general-purpose programming language, so it is absolutely used in a lot of many discrete complication areas, vary from enclosed or installed applications in mini devices to the internet applications, the work station, mobile, machine learning, PC, logical language processing, commercial applications, construction companies, defence application, etc.
Smalltalk is a dynamic, interactive and introspective type programming language. Smalltalk was generated as the language supporting and advance the current world of computing illustrated by the collaboration of human computer. .
Smalltalk is may be the perfect and good instance of object oriented programming. It is a pure object oriented programming refer that, unlike Java and C++, there is no variance in the middle of values which are primitive types and these all values are refer to as objects. In Smalltalk everything is an object, which is basically an separate block of code that controls a particular segment of data. Other objects work upon that data passing by messages to its object, and then executing the feedback.
Uses of Smalltalk :
Smalltalk is excellently simple and easy to learn and understand. It prevents extra programming load on the programmer by reducing the code. Any other big language can not make this claim. Smalltalk is purely an object-oriented programming language.
Smalltalk was the earliest pictorial language tool to reinforce live programming and progressive and latest correcting approaches or methods such as on the spot observation and modifies the code in a very user friendly format in the same time of execution .
A Smalltalk object can perform absolutely three jobs:
Smalltalk features :
Smalltalk has many dominant features, some key features of Smalltalk are listed as follows.
Benefits of using a Small Talk:
Benefits of Smalltalk are listed as follows.
Drawbacks of Smalltalk:
Drawbacks of Smalltalk are listed as follows.
Example Of smalltalk Program:
|s f c|
Transcript show : 'Enter a line:'.
s := stdin newLine.
f := Bag new.
s do: [ :ch | ch isLetter
ifTrue: [f add: ch asLowercase]
1 to : 26 do: [:i|
c := (i+96) asCharacter.
Transcript show: ((f occurrencesOf :c) printString,'')
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